I Thirst
I Thirst is my musical meditation inspired by the life and prayers of St Teresa of Calcutta. The world has become familiar with Mother Teresa as an icon of heroic charity. But more important than what she did is the reason she gave her life to God in serving the poorest of the poor. In 1946, Mother Teresa experienced a vision in which she was taken to Golgotha, and stood as a little child next to Mary at the foot of the cross. There, Christ spoke to her of his thirst for souls, and asked if she would be his light to the poor. This became Mother Teresa's sole motivation for serving the poor- to quench Christ's thirst for souls. Perhaps we think that Mother Teresa's holiness was made possible by a constant state of ecstatic union with God. But after her death, we learned the truth of her spiritual struggles. Following her initial visions and the call to found the Missionaries of Charity, Mother Teresa lived in a state of spiritual darkness until her death fifty years later. In other words, Jesus stopped speaking to her. He no longer consoled her as he had done in the past. She felt lonely, abandoned, and even rejected by God. In her agonizing thirst for Jesus, Mother Teresa was united not only to Christ's thirst on the cross, but also to the loneliness and desolation of the poor whom she served.
As you listen to these songs, I pray that you are strengthened by the example of St Teresa of Calcutta. If there is one thing she would want you to know, it is that Jesus thirsts for you. Let us strive to respond to his cry from the cross as she did- by receiving and sharing his love with each person we meet. St Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us.

1. I Thirst
John 19:28
From the perspective of Christ on the cross. In every chapel of the Missionaries of Charity, the words “I Thirst” are placed next to the crucifix, reminding each sister of her 4th vow to satiate Christ’s thirst for souls through “wholehearted and free service to the poorest of the poor.”
I thirst not for water,
I thirst for belief,
I thirst for your gaze
To wash over me
I’m lonely and broken
I’m weary, forsaken
Why have you abandoned me?
I thirst for your hunger
I thirst for your love
I thirst for your body
To drink of my Blood
I thirst for repentance
I thirst for belief
I thirst for you
To come
Let me drink of your tears,
The tears of your soul
Nothing else brings relief
Until you know
I am crying from the cross
I will not come down
I’d do it all over again
So that you could be found in me
Come be my light to the poor.
Come and carry me
I cannot go alone
They don’t know me
They don’t want me
Will you go?
How I long to enter
And grant salvation
To their souls
All who labor and are burdened
Come to me
Drink the living water flowing
Come to me.
Lyrics for "I Thirst" © The Mother Teresa Center, exclusive licensee throughout the world of the Missionaries of Charity for the works of Mother Teresa, used with permission, and Danielle Rose Skorich, published by World Library Publications. Music written by Danielle Rose, Copyright © 2007 Danielle Rose Skorich, published by GIA Music, www.giamusic.com. All rights reserved.

2. Of My Free Will
Luke 9:57
The refrain of this song is the prayer written by Mother Teresa, offered each morning by the Missionaries of Charity as they put on their sandals.
Of my free will
I will follow you wherever you go
In search of souls
At any cost to myself
And out of pure love of you
I will follow you to the desert
I will follow you to the sea
I will follow you, dear Jesus
To your death on Calvary.
Take me to the places
Your love is still unknown
Take me with you, Jesus
That is where I want to go
I’ll search in every valley,
I’ll search through streets and slums
I’ll search for every living soul
Until your kingdom comes.
Take me to the places
Your love is still unknown,
Take me with you, Jesus
That is where I want to go.
Lyrics for "Of My Free Will" © The Mother Teresa Center, exclusive licensee throughout the world of the Missionaries of Charity for the works of Mother Teresa, used with permission, and Danielle Rose Skorich, published by World Library Publications. Music written by Danielle Rose, Copyright © 2007 Danielle Rose Skorich, published by GIA Music, www.giamusic.com. All rights reserved.

3. Mary's Heart
Luke 3:51
This song is a prayer written by Mother Teresa. It is prayed by the Missionaries of Charity to prepare their hearts to receive Jesus in the poorest of the poor.
O Mary, Mother of Jesus,
Give me your heart
That I might receive Jesus.
Give me your heart,
So beautiful, so pure,
So immaculate,
So full of love and humility.
Give me your heart,
To love Him as you loved Him,
And serve Him as you served Him,
In the distressing disguise
Of the poorest of the poor.
In the Bread of Life,
In the poorest of the poor,
In distressing disguise,
In Christ our Lord.
Lyrics for "Mary's Heart" © The Mother Teresa Center, exclusive licensee throughout the world of the Missionaries of Charity for the works of Mother Teresa, used with permission, and Danielle Rose Skorich, published by World Library Publications. Music written by Danielle Rose, Copyright © 2007 Danielle Rose Skorich, published by GIA Music, www.giamusic.com. All rights reserved.

4. You Did It To Me
Matthew 25:35-40
Mother Teresa preached the Gospel of Matthew 25 with her life. When people asked Mother Teresa for advice and wisdom, she would often hold out her hand and point to each finger, saying, “You. Did. It. To. Me.” This photograph was taken at Mother Teresa's Leper colony in Delhi.
I was hungry and you gave me food,
Thirsty and you gave me drink.
I was homeless and you took me in.
You fed me with the bread of love,
You let me drink the cup of peace.
You gave me shelter in your joyful heart.
Truly I say to you,
Whatever you did unto
One of the least
You did it to me.
I was naked and you clothed me,
Sick and you took care of me,
In prison and you came to visit me.
You clothed me with compassion,
You healed me with your gentle touch.
Your presence freed my chains of loneliness.
This is Christ in distressing disguise.
We do it for Jesus.
Music & lyrics written by Danielle Rose, Copyright © 2007 Danielle Rose Skorich, published by GIA Music, www.giamusic.com. All rights reserved.

5. Small Things with Great Love
Luke 10:21
Mother Teresa was named after St Therese of Lisieux, ‘The Little Flower,’ patron of missionaries, who taught Mother Teresa to do small things with great love.
Not to the learned nor to the kings
But to the little ones
You show the mysteries.
I rejoice when I am weak
For you will give me all I need
Though I cannot fly
You carry me to heaven
You have not called me to be successful
You have called me to be faithful
I can do small things with great love
That is enough
I can do small things with great love
And make my life
Something beautiful for God.
One drop in the ocean
One petal in the garden
One hidden sacrifice
One reason for my life
One dance before your throne
One child to give a home
One step towards Calvary
One touch of empathy
Yesterday is gone
Tomorrow has not yet come
We have only today
Let us begin
Be faithful in small things
For in them our strength lies
Lyrics for "Small Things With Great Love" © The Mother Teresa Center, exclusive licensee throughout the world of the Missionaries of Charity for the works of Mother Teresa, used with permission, and Danielle Rose Skorich, published by World Library Publications. Music written by Danielle Rose, Copyright © 2007 Danielle Rose Skorich, published by GIA Music, www.giamusic.com. All rights reserved.

6. Holy Family
Matthew 18:20
This is my beloved family! For Christmas of 2004 we spent time serving the poor in India. Although it is a blessing to go around the world to serve those who are in need, Mother Teresa often reminded us that it is more important to love and serve those right next to us, especially our family.
O loving Father, make our home
A Nazareth where you may reign,
A holy family of love
Where Jesus’ manger lays.
Help us to stay together, Lord,
In joy and sorrow as we pray,
Teach us to see Christ in disguise
Upon each other’s face.
Where two or more are gathered
You reside
Mary, be our Mother
Joseph, be our guide
To make your Son
The center of our lives.
Jesus, may your name be glorified.
We gather round our table blessed
To share the Heavenly Bread He gave
To strengthen us that we might serve
Our family with grace.
To love each other as you love,
With humble hearts and patient faith.
And to forgive each other’s faults
As Jesus Christ forgave.
Help us to take whatever you give
And give whatever you take from us,
With smiles upon our faces
As we place our trust in you.
Music & lyrics written by Danielle Rose, Copyright © 2007 Danielle Rose Skorich, published by GIA Music, www.giamusic.com. All rights reserved.

7. Litany of Humility
Traditional prayer
The Missionaries of Charity pray this litany each week. May we seek to become humble like little children. This is a photo of my cousin & goddaughter, Amy Sminu, who was adopted from India when i was 12. The gift of her life in our family led to my first journey to India when i was 17, where i volunteered with the missionaries of charity.
From the desire of being esteemed,
From the desire of being loved,
From the desire of being extolled,
From the desire of being honored,
From the desire of being praised,
From the desire of being preferred,
From the desire of being approved,
From the desire of being consulted,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being humiliated,
From the fear of being despised,
From the fear of suffering rebukes,
From the fear of being calumniated,
From the fear of being forgotten,
From the fear of being wronged,
From the fear of being ridiculed,
From the fear of being suspected,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
That others be loved more than I,
Others esteemed more than I,
Others increase and I decrease in the world’s eyes,
That others be chosen and I set aside,
Others praised and I unnoticed,
Others be preferred in everything,
That others become holier than I,
Provided that I may become as holy as I should,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
Meek and humble of heart, Jesus.
Meek and humble of heart, hear us.
Meek and humble of heart, Jesus.
Music & lyrics written by Danielle Rose, Copyright © 2007 Danielle Rose Skorich, published by GIA Music, www.giamusic.com. All rights reserved.

8. Love Until It Hurts
Philippians 2:6-11
each day after receiving holy communion, the missionaries of charity recite the prayer of pope paul vi the verses of this song. this photo was taken at their mother house in calcutta.
Love until it hurts,
Until we feel their pain,
To love the way you love,
And give the way you gave
Your life for us,
To understand our pain,
Emptying yourself,
You became a slave.
Make us worthy, Lord,
To serve our fellow men
Throughout the world
Who live and die
In poverty and hunger.
Give them through our hands
This day their daily bread,
And by our understanding love
Give peace and joy.
Lord, help us.
Lyrics for "Mary's Heart" © The Mother Teresa Center, exclusive licensee throughout the world of the Missionaries of Charity for the works of Mother Teresa, used with permission, and Danielle Rose Skorich, published by World Library Publications. Music written by Danielle Rose, Copyright © 2007 Danielle Rose Skorich, published by GIA Music, www.giamusic.com. All rights reserved.

9. The Joy of the Lord
Nehemiah 8:10, 2 Corinthians 9:7
Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God. The words from this song are woven together from Scripture and Mother Teresa’s message about the importance of serving Jesus with a smile.
The joy of the Lord is our strength
His love I will deliver
God loves a cheerful giver
The joy of the Lord is our strength
Never let anyone come to you
Without leaving better and happier.
Everyone should see goodness in your face,
In your eyes, in your smile, in your life.
Keep the joy of loving God in your heart
And share this joy with everyone you meet.
We will never know how much a smile can do
To spread love and peace.
Amen, Amen, Amen!
Lyrics for "The Joy of the Lord" © The Mother Teresa Center, exclusive licensee throughout the world of the Missionaries of Charity for the works of Mother Teresa, used with permission, and Danielle Rose Skorich, published by GIA Music. Music written by Danielle Rose, Copyright © 2007 Danielle Rose Skorich, published by GIA Music, www.giamusic.com. All rights reserved.

10. If I Touch Him
Luke 8:40-56; Mark 5:25-43​
Mother Teresa reached out to heal the "Untouchable" souls with the love of Christ. This photo was taken at her Leper Colony in Delhi. Just as the woman reached out to touch the hem of Jesus' garment, we too can be healed through the power of His True Presence in the Eucharist.
I was hiding in the crowd,
Hoping no one saw my face.
I wanted to be close to him
I knew that he alone could save.
So I went right up behind him,
Unworthy of his gaze,
Untouchable me
Seeking merciful grace.
I have spent my whole life desperate,
Searching for a cure.
For twelve years I’ve been cast out,
Ashamed, and oh so poor.
If I touch him
He will heal my heart that bleeds.
If I touch him
He will give me all I need.
If I stretch my hand
To touch His garment’s hem,
I believe that
I will be made whole again.
“Who has touched me?” Jesus said,
Then He looked around to see.
“For I know that power has gone
To the one who has believed.”
While everyone denied that
They had taken grace from Him,
I knew I must confess that
He had changed me from within.
In the presence of the people,
I came forward to be known.
Trembling, I fell on my knees
Before the living throne.
When I touched you, Lord,
You healed my heart that bled.
When I touched you, Lord,
You gave me peace instead.
When I stretched my hand
To touch your garment’s hem,
Then your love, oh Lord,
It made me whole again.
When I told him the whole truth,
Then he spoke these words to me:
“Daughter, your faith has saved you.
Now go and live in peace.”
Then the child within my soul
That I had thought died long ago
Was raised again to life
And I felt joy within my bones.
Then I ran to tell the blind, the lame,
The brokenhearted and ashamed,
The rich, the poor, the young, the old,
The truth that must be told.
If you touch him,
He will heal your heart that bleeds
If you touch him,
He will give you all you need
If you stretch your hands
To touch the Bread of Heaven,
Do you believe that
He will make you whole again?
Music & Lyrics written by Danielle Rose, Copyright © 2007 Danielle Rose Skorich, published by GIA Music, www.giamusic.com. All rights reserved.

11. Your Bride
Genesis 2:23-24​
Mother Teresa's spousal union with Christ was the source of her fidelity in serving the poorest of the poor. Married to Christ, she became the mother of all his children.
Here I am
I offer you my hand.
The hour has arrived
To celebrate our wedding feast.
And I know this was the Father’s plan:
I was born to live for you
Were born to die for me.
Walking down the aisle
I long to come to thee.
You are waiting there
To marry me.
Walking down the aisle
I long to come receive
Your body, blood,
Soul, and divinity.
I am your bride,
I am one
With my Beloved Crucified.
As you offer me your Body,
I offer you my life.
Now and always,
I am your yours
I am your bride.
As you lift the veil
Before my eyes,
You gaze into my soul and say,
“Beloved, you are mine.”
And I know you take me as I am,
Loving me with all my sin
You take me by the hand.
In my vows to you
And yours to me,
Our covenant declared eternally.
Laying down our lives
We consummate our love.
I cleave to you and to the cross.
This one is at last
Bone of my bones.
United as one flesh,
Our love becomes a home
Where every child is welcome
In our love’s embrace.
Their lives reveal
Their Father’s face.
Music & Lyrics written by Danielle Rose, Copyright © 2007 Danielle Rose Skorich, published by GIA Music, www.giamusic.com. All rights reserved.

12. Shine Through Us
these are the words of the prayer "Radiating Christ" which is recited every day after receiving Jesus in the Eucharist.​
Jesus, help us to spread
Your fragrance everywhere we go.
Flood our souls
With your spirit and life.
Penetrate and possess
Our whole being so utterly
That our lives may
Only be a radiance of you.
Shine through us
And be so in us
That every soul we meet
May feel your presence
In our soul
Let them look up and see
No longer us but only Jesus.
Stay with us, then we shall
Begin to shine as you shine,
So to shine as to be
A light to others.
The light, O Jesus,
Will be all from you, n
None from us.
It will be you shining
On others through us.
Let us preach you without preaching,
Not by words but by example.
Let us praise you by shining
On those around us,
By the catching force,
The sympathetic influence
Of what we do,
The evident fullness of the love
Our hearts bear to you.
Lyrics for "Shine Through Us" are based on the words of John Henry Cardinal Newman. Music written by Danielle Rose, Copyright © 2007 Danielle Rose Skorich, published by GIA Music. www.giamusic.com. All rights reserved.

13. Psalm 88
A Despairing Lament
This song represents Mother Teresa's dark night of the soul, because it is the prayer Jesus himself would have prayed in his trials. Mother Teresa was one of a number of holy saints who, in their union with God, fully comprehended Jesus' words, "Father, why have you abandoned me?" To learn more about Mother Teresa's spiritual trials, consult the book by Father Brian Kolodiejchuck, MC, "Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light."​
Lord, my God, I call by day
I cry aloud at night
Let my prayer before you come
Incline your ear to my cry
For my soul is filled with troubles
My life draws near to the grave
I am reckoned as one in the tomb
I've reached the end of my strength
Like the slain lying in their graves
Like one among the dead
Like those you remember no more
You've laid me in the depths.
Imprisoned I cannot escape
My eyes grow dim with grief
Your wrath lies heavy upon me, Lord
Your waves crash over me
Is your love proclaimed in the grave
Your fidelity in the tomb?
Lord, I call to you for help
I stretch out my hands to you
Why do you reject me, Lord?
Why hide from me your face?
Friend and neighbor you've taken away
My only friend is darkness
Lyrics for Psalm 88: scripture excerpts are adapted from the New American Bible, © copyright 1970 Confraternity of Christine Doctrine, INc, Washington DC. Used with permission. All rights reserved. No part of the New American Bible may be reproduced by any means without permission in writing from the copyright holder. Music written by Danielle Rose, Copyright © 2007 Danielle Rose Skorich, published by GIA Music. www.giamusic.com. All rights reserved.

14. Memorare
Traditional Prayer
Mother Teresa considered this to be her “never-fail novena.” In times of urgent need, she would ask for Mary’s intercession by praying the Memorare 9 times, because she knew that Jesus would not deny the request of His mother.​
O most gracious Virgin Mary,
That never was it known that anyone
Who fled to thy protection,
Implored thy help
Or sought thine intercession
Was left unaided.
Hear and answer us.
Inspired by this confidence
We fly unto thee,
O Virgin of Virgins,
Our mother,
To thee do we come,
Before thee we stand,
Sinful and sorrowful.
Hear and answer us.
O Mother of the Word Incarnate,
Despise not our petitions,
But in thy mercy
Hear and answer us.
Hear and answer us.
Music written by Danielle Rose, Copyright © 2007 Danielle Rose Skorich, published by GIA Music. www.giamusic.com. All rights reserved.